The God of “Sense”

A number of years ago I was inspired to write some verses as titled above which I adapted and used recently as part of the prayers in church. It was suggested by someone at that service that I reproduce them in the magazine... So here goes...  Jesus, that word Your name, it brings to meExcruciating joy...

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“Our Father”

In his pattern for prayer Jesus taught us to begin our relationship with God using the words “Our Father”. (Matthew 6:9). Because we use the “Lord’s Prayer” so often we can easily take those two introductory words for granted. Our relationship with our human parents changes as we grow up. As infants and then young...

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Hospital Notes 41

Reflecting on our work as Chaplaincy Volunteers On Tuesday 7th March I, along with about 15 others, attended a time of Fellowship and Reflection in the Chapel at Royal Stoke. As we had not met in this way since before the C-19 Pandemic it was an opportunity to reconnect with fellow Chaplaincy Volunteers. We were...

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