- 09:30 – 11:30 Parents & Toddlers (Christ Church Centre) – Term Time Only
A lively group of young children with mums, dads, grandparents & carers who come to interact with each other. It costs £1.50 per family, which enables us to support church activities. We offer wheeled toys, crafts, jigsaws, books, role play, climbing equipment and much more. Drinks, fruit & biscuits are provided. Coordinator – Sandra Morray – 286093
- 10:00 Coffee in Christ Church Centre before
- 10:30 Midweek Communion Service in the Church
- 20:00 Home Group at 2 The Glen, Stone
House Group meets every second Tuesday, during Term Time, except for Lent. Usually, not every week – check with Dave Bell for details -815775
- 10:00 Ladies Fellowship at The Vicarage, Bromfield Court
The Thursday Fellowship Group is a daytime home group for ladies. We meet in the Vicarage from 10 am until about 12 noon on a Thursday, every week except during the school holidays, and our meetings include having coffee or tea together, taking an in-depth look at part of the Bible, and sharing a time of prayer for each other. The group is led by Sue Kingman (812669)
- 10:30 Open Prayer meeting in the Church
- 08:30 First Saturday of each Month – Prayer Breakfast in the Centre
- 09:15 Morning Service, followed by refreshments in the Centre (click for more information)
- 18:00 Either Evening Service or a short course (see Events for current and upcoming courses)