
Baptism is a wonderful sign of the good news of Jesus.  Those who want to follow Jesus Christ are baptised as a way of marking their entry into God’s Kingdom.  If you are an adult who wants to be baptised, please speak with the Vicar.  A great way to explore this would be through attending the Christianity Explored course we run regularly.

As Anglicans we believe that baptism is available for children with parents who are themselves following Jesus Christ.  The baptism of a child involves serious promises made on his or her behalf.  Parents and godparents promise to be good examples of Christian living and commit themselves to being part of a local church.  For this reason, it would be strange to have a child baptised without a serious intention to be a regular member of Christ Church.

We would be delighted to talk to you about the possibility of having your child baptised at Christ Church.  You must live within the parish (see here for a map of parish boundaries) or, if you don’t live in the parish, attend regularly as a member of the congregation.  Baptisms take place within the 9.15am service, usually on the 2nd or 4th Sundays of the month (that is, when the service is not one of Holy Communion).  Please contact the Vicar through the Church Office (Tel: 811990).