Easter in the Benefice

Services Sunday 10 April 09:15 am at Christ Church - Morning Prayer (with Zoom)11:00 am at St. John's, Oulton - All Age Service11:00 am at All Saints, Moddershall - Holy Communion Maundy Thursday, 14 April 7:30 pm at St. John's Oulton Good Friday, 15 April 10:00 am Easter Crafts for Children at Christ Church10:00 am...

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Stone Advent Windows 2021

Advent Windows Map 2021 A warm welcome to all… To this, our 12th year of the Christ Church, Stone, Community Advent Calendar.  We are excited and ready to see all the wonderful Advent Window displays this year and look forward to meeting everyone who is able to join in with this year’s event. This year...

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A service for the bereaved

3.00 p.m. on Sunday 14th November at Christ Church. We plan to hold a service for the bereaved after a break last year due to restrictions. This service is for any who wish to attend, but please notify us as we have a reduced capacity due to our spaced seating arrangements. We specifically invite those who have been bereaved in the last year or so...

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A year of lockdowns

We have now reached the anniversary of the first lockdown, and as a benefice of  churches it has been a difficult year with so many things disrupted. We have had to persevere through many changes in the guidelines for action to minimise risk of spreading the virus. More recently, just before the Government announced the third...

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Lent Course

Take the opportunity for spiritual refreshment, so that we emerge from lockdown in a spiritually healthier state.  The Bible Course: we have restarted “The Bible Course” From 7.30 p.m. on  Wednesdays (17th Feb to 24th March inclusive), repeated at 5.00 p.m. on Sundays (21st Feb to 28th March inclusive). Big, complex, old … just some of the words people use to describe the...

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