The Worn Step

As a teenager I attended a beautiful old Norfolk church. It had the traditional round tower covered in flintstones. Parts of the church dated from Norman times and the ornate woodwork was Jacobean. There were many interesting and unusual features of the church but what always made the most impression on me was the step....

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Canon Jack Bell

Jack Bell was born in 1923 in Blackburn, his parents were mill workers at the time but later they owned and ran a grocery store. He attended Queen Elizabeth Grammar School and left in 1941 with Higher School Certificate in science subjects. He applied to join the RAF but failed the medical- he never knew...

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Roger's series - The word ACTS is frequently used as a way of remembering four essential parts of prayer Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication. When the word “Acts” is used to help us understand parts of prayer, the letter “C” stands for Confession. Tom had just retrieved his football from his dad’s greenhouse and now...

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