Prove It! – Christ Church Magazine Leader – March 2016

A woman recently shocked her husband by turning up at her own memorial service. This was just days after the husband had instructed hit-men to kill her. The Australian woman had flown to Barundi for a family event. On going outside for fresh air at the suggestion of her husband, she was kidnapped and taken...

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Christ above everything – Magazine Leader, February 2016

A survey asked people from across the world what they value most in life. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ‘Better Life Initiative’ collected data continuously from 2011. About 60,000 responses from 180 countries were gathered. The so called ‘Better Life Index’ makes it possible to compare wellbeing across countries using the ten...

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All is revealed! Christ Church Magazine – January 2016

All is revealed! Revelations make big news. The uncovering of something that has not been heard or seen before, hooks our interest. We’re more interested in what is novel. As we rush into a new year, will the message of Christmas be packed up and put in the loft with the tinsel? What have we...

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Dark and light – December Magazine Leader

Dark and light The recent events in Paris have highlighted once again the fragility of life. Scores of lives were ended by an organized campaign of terror that has left many either grieving. Hundreds more lives were seriously injured and left in shock. It was indeed a dark day. But, sadly, it was not the...

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At ease in the world? November Magazine leader

Refugees have continued to grab the headlines. What was once an issue, which was out of sight and out of mind, has now moved firmly into the foreground. As we continue to see the desperate plight of refugees in Europe does Christian faith have any useful comment to make? Well, yes! The movement of people...

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