The hour that changed the world – April Magazine Leader

“Finally!" we hear ourselves say when the seeds sprout. It brings pleasure to child and adult alike to see the signs of new life. From something weak, insignificant and self-evidently dead, comes new life. It's simply amazing! Jesus was a dab hand at using everyday things to communicate complex truths. That's what made his teaching...

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Forgiveness: rare, but revolutionary – March 2014 Magazine

There is a big difference between forbearance and forgiveness. We speak of bearing with other people, not simply when someone is looking up details and we are hanging on for an answer. Forbearance takes great patience in order to put up with someone’s foibles. If in doubt, just ask my wife! Forgiveness involves dealing with...

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Another year of what? – January 2014 Magazine

The advertiser proclaims: “New Year. New you!” The phrase is used to sell us cream to smooth out wrinkles, diets to help us get trim, exercise regimes that enable us to become fitter, or new techniques to help us perform better. The reality is more like: “New Year. Same you!” We may be pleased that...

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Is it time for a Christmas rethink? December Magazine Leader

Imagine a post-office queue in December. A customer finally reaches the front of the queue and asks for 50 stamps. The person serving asks: “Do you want the special Christmas nativity stamps?” The woman replied, “Oh no! I can’t stand all that religion, it ruins Christmas!” The above story was a real conversation. It’s surprising...

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