Jesus transfigured!  

August 2022 Magazine Jesus had a close group of followers, and three disciples were his inner circle: Peter, James, and John. After having spoken about his death soon to come Jesus took these three up a mountain: ‘There Jesus was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white...

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PCC news  

The PCC held a meeting on 18th May 2022 in person and on Zoom. During the meetings the following matters were discussed: · It was agreed to purchase some Pew cushions for the side pews · The communion wine is now dealcoholized wine. This will enable parishioners who were unable to consume wine due to health reasons...

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My Kingdom is not of this world  

April 2022 Magazine The Roman Empire was formidable. Its borders extended out from its centre far and wide. A common language facilitated business throughout its empire. The emperor wielded enormous power. The government and army provided the machinery to get things done - either through policy or by brute force. The occupied territory ensured that...

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