God’s “finger print” in creation

In many denominations the Church’s Year is divided into two halves. The first half from Advent to Pentecost takes us step by step through the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus culminating in His Ascension and the outpouring of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The second half, starting on Trinity Sunday, is a wider approach...

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The Indigo Valley Coffee Company

Indigo Valley

This is the company which has supplied our coffee (& the equipment) for the last 10 years. Andy Stone did the research after he was asked to find a suitable supplier of ‘proper coffee’. The Indigo Valley Coffee Company is a small business which was set up in 2005. This was at a time when...

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Artificial Intelligence: Friend, Foe, or on the Fence?

June 2023 Magazine The country that leads the world in Artificial Intelligence “will become the ruler of the world” (Vladimir Putin, 2017). At the time many were aware of Artificial Intelligence (AI) playing a part in their online games and helping to run your home heating system more efficiently. But none had imagined the development...

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Red Screes

We were in Ambleside for a few days. For February the weather looked good, unlike the previous February when we had torrential rain, so much that even the Windermere cruises were cancelled, and items were blown about in the streets. Day one of our short holiday we once again climbed Wansfell Pike but in much...

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