Stone Advent Windows 2015

We are pleased to welcome you to our Advent Windows Project for 2015. This is the 6th year that Christ Church, Stone have co-ordinated a Community Advent Calendar along and around Stone High Street. 24 host locations have been found and 24 organisations have agreed to create window displays to tell the Christmas Story throughout...

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Dark and light – December Magazine Leader

Dark and light The recent events in Paris have highlighted once again the fragility of life. Scores of lives were ended by an organized campaign of terror that has left many either grieving. Hundreds more lives were seriously injured and left in shock. It was indeed a dark day. But, sadly, it was not the...

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At ease in the world? November Magazine leader

Refugees have continued to grab the headlines. What was once an issue, which was out of sight and out of mind, has now moved firmly into the foreground. As we continue to see the desperate plight of refugees in Europe does Christian faith have any useful comment to make? Well, yes! The movement of people...

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Screening the truth – October 2015 Magazine

Ninety years ago on the 2nd October 1925 a Scottish engineer John Logie Baird performed the first test of a working television. He chose to transmit the head of a ventriloquist’s dummy named “Stooky Bill”. This event took place in his attic and was a breakthrough moment, achieving a goal that had been his personal...

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