All “GO” at Christ Church – Listen to Radio 4’s Pokémon report from Stone

On Friday 22nd July, 2016 Christ Church opened its doors again to host a PokéParty, with approaching 100 folks of all ages descending on the church to find Pokémon for the latest craze of Pokémon Go. Radio 4 came along to see what all the fuss is about. Radio 4 Sunday - Poké-Article - excerpt

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It’s all ‘Go’ at Christ Church

After over 100 Pokémon Go fans descended on Christ Church, Stone, for the first ever PokéParty last Friday, 15th July, 2016, the demand has been huge and interest nationwide so our Youth Worker, Kieran McKnight, and a team of church volunteers, will be hosting the second PokéParty at Christ Church on Friday 22nd July. Teams,...

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Easter 2016 – Christ Church Holiday Club – Jungle Jamboree!

What is Jungle Jamboree Holiday Club? Jungle Jamboree Holiday Club is a 4-day fun event for children aged 4 – 11 years (school years Reception to Year-6) run by volunteers from Christ Church, Stone and Oulton Church.  We aim to teach the children some basic Christian values whilst having a great time together.  To get...

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If my people…….. September Magazine Leader

A memorable poem by Rudyard Kipling begins: ‘If you can keep your head when all about you, are losing theirs and blaming it on you’. It was written in the form of paternal advice to the poet's son, John and was published in 1910. It encourages “a stiff upper lip” self-discipline. Soon after publication John...

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