Holiday Club 2024

Our theme this year was Sporting Legends and we chose six Christian sports people to be our team mascots.  The youngest children were in Team Marcus (Rashford), then Team Allyson (Felix), Team Lewis (Hamilton), Team Adam (Peaty), Team Simone (Biles), and the oldest children made up Team Usain (Bolt). The overall message was that we...

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Christ Church First School Update

Spring Term 2 The weeks following February half term were very busy in school. On 7th March we had World Book Day and this was based on the story of the Smeds and the Smoos. A UFO crash landed in the garden and the children had to investigate what had happened as alien footprints were...

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Reflections on Holy Week

At Christ Church Academy, pupils have been learning about Holy Week and its importance for Christians. After reading the Gospel accounts of the events, they were given a choice of reflective tasks through which to show their understanding of the significance of the story in the lives of believers. A good number of children chose...

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Trains in the Garden Saturday 13th May 2023

This year the Trains in the Garden event in aid of Jig-Saw Kids Ministries was earlier than usual to coincide with Tim and Kate Lee’s visit. Unfortunately, it also coincided with two consecutive Monday Bank Holidays and so getting fliers out to groups like the Toddler Group was done only just in time. Offers of...

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