Christ Church 89 years ago

Old Photo of Christ Church

Some household tips from 1933 Needles will not rust if kept in a piece of flannel that has been soaked in paraffin and allowed to dry. They can be kept for several years in a very damp climate, unspoiled, in a workbox not airtight! Renovating Deck Chairs — Get double the length of striped canvas,...

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Hospital Notes 30

As the weeks pass I continue to observe and experience new things (at Royal Stoke and County Hospitals) which I hope you find both interesting and encouraging. Even with the huge additional expenditure incurred because of the pandemic, standards continue to improve – wards are being redecorated and improved both when empty and (most considerately)...

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Use your imagination

We tend to be a little suspicious of our imaginations! However imagination is God’s gift to us and is as much part of us as our natural appetite. Just like our desire and need for food we can misuse our imaginations or use them to foster proper growth. Jesus encouraged his listeners to use their...

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