Christ Church 88 years ago

Egg Sunday. Another record! April 23rd resulted in the collection of 2,635 eggs from Christ Church parish, of which total 1,887 were contributed by Meaford, largely through the untiring efforts of Mrs Lindsay, to whom out cordial thanks are due. These eggs were subsequently distributed between the N. Staffs Infirmary and the Stafford General Hospital,...

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The big picture

How have you occupied yourself in the long dark days of winter lockdown? Over the last year we have done a few jigsaw puzzles, mostly 1,000 piece puzzles. However, the hardest puzzle we did had a mere 500 pieces. Even putting the edge pieces together was difficult, so many pieces seemed to fit in more...

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Greetings from our mission partners

The following messages were received in response to Easter greetings card sent by email to all our Mission Partners:  Stephen and Tabita  Thanks so much for sending us this lovely message and thinking of us. We do appreciate all the TLC that Christ Church Stone lavishes on us down the years. It was especially good...

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