EGGS-traordinary?  – Magazine Leader – April

The UK clearly loves Easter eggs. It was Fry’s Chocolate of Bristol that produced the first UK chocolate egg in 1873. Currently, about 90 million chocolate eggs are sold each year! Apparently children receive on average 8.8 Easter eggs each year. The use of Easter eggs has a long history, due to it being a...

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A bright future? – Magazine Leader, March, 2015

At the end of this month summertime begins. You may be relieved to leave behind the shorter days. As we look to the future we have the expectation of spring bulbs bursting into life, beckoning the long summer days. The emergence from darkness to experience the dawning of light illustrates the Christian hope. The future...

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Every aspect of life is to be under the Lordship of Jesus (January Magazine)

Followers of Jesus become mature disciples as faith is applied to everyday life. This is unlike a New Year resolution that a person may try for a while, fall behind and then give up. Discipleship is about a growing relationship of trusting and obeying Jesus. It’s a revolution, rather than a resolution! This relationship with...

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If Jesus had not been born then….

There is a great deal of celebrating at Christmas. The arrival of Jesus celebrates the coming of ‘Immanuel – which means God with us’ (Matthew 1v23). But what if he had never been born? Putting aside the fact that it would dent the accounts of the retailers, there are a lot of things riding on...

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