Christ Church 102 years ago (1920)

Old Photo of Christ Church

A dive into old copies of Christ Church Magazine gives an insight into 1920.

Notes and Notices

The Churchwardens have at length hit upon a means of stopping the draught at the bottom of the Church. They have put a temporary frame on each of the back pews, and when they found that material for curtains would cost £10, Miss Florence Harvey came forward and made them for nothing out of some of the old Zeppelin blinds.

Rummage Sale

The Rummage Sale was very successful, producing £25 13s. 0d. Most people will be able to identify the anonymous person to whom the credit is due. The General Purposes Fund, The Girl Guides and the Scouts received each £5, and the remainder £10 13s. 0d. was sent to the Girls’ Friendly Society Home at Prestatyn.

Girls’ Friendly Society

The Annual Tea will take place in the Parish Room on Tuesday, January 6th. at 6-45. There will be a combined gathering at St. Michael’s Hall on Tuesday, January 20th, when Miss Tregellas Combe will speak to Girls.

Church Missionary Society

The Archidiaconal Festival will be held this year at Newcastle on January 10th. The collections in Church the previous day will be given to the Society, which is in grievous financial need. The cost of the work has about doubled, and if immediate aid is not forthcoming some of the missions for which Christ Church people have been working and praying ever since our Parish was founded will have to be closed.

Our Chinese Scholar

Ding Nguk Gie is the daughter of the Arch-deacon of Foochow, she is now in the second year of the Foochow Middle School and getting on very well.

Our school children are asked to bring more money for her support, for the Chinese Dollars which used to cost 1s. 9d. now cost 5/1d because exchange is against us.

The health of the School has been good, but in Foochow City at least 8,000 people have died of cholera.