Pastoral letter, January 1933
My dear friends,
Our country has weathered the storm of the past year in a remarkable way. In spite of the industrial depression and the general crippling of material resources, Britain has remained calm and confident. We thank God tor this, and even though most of our great international problems are still bristling with difficulties we can face the New Year with courage and hope. Of course, the Church must feel the strain of this financial crisis, but already we may see one encouraging sign emerging from the present conditions, and that is an increasing sense of responsibility among the general rank and file of Church people in the matter of giving. Some of them are beginning to realize in a new way that even their little gifts, amounting, perhaps, to less than 1/- a week, when given regularly and methodically, may go a long way towards keeping the normal work of the Church free from debt. It is to this spirit of loyal co-operation that I attribute the fact that we in Christ Church have been able to balance our budget for 1932 and to finish the year in a better position than we could ever have dared to expect 12 months ago.
The Unemployed
Negotiations are still in progress with a view to providing a permanent home for the “Welcome Club” for local unemployed. It is hoped that some definite decision will be reached soon. Lectures are being arranged fortnightly on various subjects, a gymnasium has been opened three times a week in the Christ Church Institute under the capable instruction of Mr. Sims—this is greatly appreciated by some of the younger men—and a canteen will be opened and other activities started as soon as satisfactory premises are secured, allowing room for development.
The Organ
Some excitement was caused by the failure of the Organ on Sunday night, December 4th, when considerable damage was caused in the Blowing Chamber by a short circuit in the dynamo. The accident appears to have been one for which no blame can be attached to anyone and the whole expense will probably be met by the Insurance which covers such contingencies.