In the United Benefice of Christ Church, Stone & Oulton with Moddershall
Palm Sunday Service: Sun 5th April
We remember Jesus being hailed as a King as he rode into Jerusalem for the Passover Feast.
9.15 a.m. Christ Church, Stone
11.00 a.m. Oulton and Moddershall Churches.
Maundy Thursday: 9th April
We remember Jesus’ instituting the Last Supper with his disciples, the night before he died.
7.30 pm at Oulton Church
Good Friday: 10th April
We focus on how Jesus died on a cross for our forgiveness:
10.00 am Children’s Easter Crafts at Christ Church Centre or 10.00 am Procession from St Michael’s.
10.40 am Joint service for all at Christ Church, Stone (with hot-cross buns to follow).
7.30 pm Meditation on Christ’s Passion
At Christ Church, Stone where we have Bible readings from Jesus’ trial and death, songs and times of quiet as we reflect on the events leading to the death of Jesus.
Easter Sunday
Holy Communion: 12th April
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus:
9.15 a.m. at Christ Church, Stone
11.00 a.m. at Oulton church.
6.00 p.m. at Moddershall church.
Children’s Holiday Club:
Tue 14th April to Fri 17th April, at Christ Church, Stone (1.30-4pm).
For School years Reception to Year 6.
A 4-day fun adventure with games, songs, crafts puppets and drama based on the Story of Creation.
Follow the link above for details.
Sun 19th April
‘Razzamatazz Robots’ Breakfast
9.15 am at Christ Church, Stone for breakfast Followed by a ‘Razzamatazz Robots ‘ service…