In the Church of England, the Electoral Roll is our membership list; the people we can count upon as committed members of Christ Church. Each church has an electoral roll officer. Your Electoral Roll Officer at Christ Church is Irene Gassor, who can be contacted on the office email address below.
The Electoral Roll is also the parish’s register of those people who are eligible to vote at the annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) where the elections take place for the Parochial Church Council (The PCC), Church Office holders, and the parish’s representatives on the Deanery Synod.
Prospective members of the PCC and Church Office Holders must also be on the Electoral Roll to be eligible to stand.
The Church Electoral Roll must be accurately kept. To achieve accuracy the roll is revised annually and the new Roll is reported at the APCM. The Roll is used to determine eligibility for attendance and participation at the annual parochial church meeting and for election to the parochial church council. It is also used to determine eligibility for election to the deanery, diocesan and general synods. In addition it is used for the calculation of the number of representatives who may be elected to each of these synods in the following year.
Every sixth year, instead of a revision, a completely new Roll has to be prepared. It is now six years since the last full renewal, so all Churches must prepare a new Roll in 2013.
To be entitled to be included on the Roll a lay person must be:
a. Baptised
b. over 16 years of age on or before the date of the annual parochial church meeting
c. either –
a member of the Church of England, or a Church in Communion with the Church of England, and resident in the parish. (There is no requirement to go to church regularly). Click here for a Map showing the Parish Boundary.
a member of the Church of England, or a Church in communion with the Church of England, and resident in another parish, but habitually attending worship in the chosen parish for at least 6 months prior to enrolment (unless prevented from doing so by illness or other sufficient cause).
a member of a Church subscribing to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, such as Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, URC, etc (in other words, most mainstream Christian churches. If you are unsure, please speak to the Vicar, Paul Kingman) and prepared to declare themselves a member of the Church of England, and having habitually attended worship in the chosen parish for at least 6 months prior to enrolment.
d. A person must also have signed an application form for enrolment.
Why do we want you to complete a form?
1. Being a member of the electoral roll gives you the opportunity to have your say. This will include giving you a vote at the APCM. (You are not on the electoral roll unless you complete a form).
2. It allows us to maintain our records accurately and ensure we can keep in touch with you. The information is only used by Christ Church.
3. The number of people on the roll makes no difference to the amount we pay the Diocese.
The answers to frequently asked questions:
1. Who is the Electoral Roll for?
The Church Electoral Roll is for lay persons only. Retired clergy are still clergy and therefore not eligible for inclusion.
2. Can I be on more than one Electoral Roll?
A person can be on the Roll of several parishes if fulfilling the above criteria, but can only use one parish for the purposes of membership of the PCC, elections to synods, etc.
3. When can I add my name to the Roll?
Names can be added to or removed from the Roll during the course of the year, except between the completion of the Roll and the close of the APCM. All such changes must be reported to the next meeting of the PCC.
4. I live in the Parish; will I automatically be on the Roll?
Living in the parish will not automatically add you to the electoral roll.
5. I attend Christ Church regularly; will I automatically be on the Roll?
Coming to church regularly, giving regularly or completing a welcome slip will not automatically add you to the electoral roll.
6. How do I add my name to the Roll?
You can only be added to the electoral roll if you complete, sign and return your form to the electoral roll officer.
7. How can I remove my name from the Roll?
You can be removed from the electoral roll by writing to the electoral roll officer.
The official notice will be displayed at Christ Church from Sunday 24th February when application forms will be available from either Irene or the Church Office (Blank forms are also on the website Christ Church 2013 Electoral Roll Form (Word Document)– these must be printed and signed – sorry email is not acceptable.)
These forms must be returned to Irene or the Church Office by Sunday 14th April.
Allowing two weeks to prepare the Electoral Roll before the APCM on Sunday 28th April.
Any returned after this date can be added to the Electoral Roll after the Annual Meeting but the people concerned will not be eligible to either vote at the this year’s APCM or be elected to any office or the Parochial Church Council until the following year.
You are not on the electoral roll unless you complete, sign and return a form