Traidcraft plc went into administration in January , after struggling for several years. This was the company which supplied our fair-trade goods. It began trading in1979 & was one of the pioneers of justice in trade. It supported the fairtrade charity, Traidcraft Exchange since it’s set up in 1986.
The charity changed its name to Transform Trade in September 2022.This was to reinforce the aims for all trade to be just, fair & people centred.
· Transfer Trade’s vision of people centred trade:
· Using sustainable resources
· Transparent supply chains (producers & consumers)
· Rewards shared by everybody
· Equal dignity, opportunity & power for women
· Businesses accountable & rights respected.
· Ownership shared widely.
The Charity will concentrate on the 3 areas of work in which they’ve been involved with since the start.
· Fashion
· Tea
· Farming
They are now planning to continue & expand on Traidcraft’s excellent work with small producer groups of artisans & farmers – helping them to find a route to market. Transform Trade are also continuing their advocacy work. In 2023 their campaign focuses on fast fashion e.g. 93% of brands do not pay their workers enough to earn a living wage.
A Coffee Morning is being held at Oulton Village Hall on Monday, 27th February from 9.30 -1l.30a.m. This is also the 1st day of Fairtrade Fortnight. The money raised will be sent to Transform Trade. Please support the event if you can.
The website is transform-trade.org if you would like to know more about the charity.