Before Christmas I was asked if I would be willing to help with the Sunday Morning Holy Communion services at County Hospital. Although I am often busy in our own churches I agreed to give it a try.
And so on 16th February I turned up just after 9am. There was a surprising amount to be done. First the lists of people to be visited were allocated and I was sent off with 10 patients to see – the first of which had asked for Communion on the ward.
The last patient I saw had just been telling me about a favourite hymn (“In Christ Alone…” which generally brought tears to their eyes) when another volunteer came along with wheelchair transport to the chapel. Imagine my reaction when this hymn was printed out on a separate sheet for us to sing!
At 11am the worship began and we had a full service of Holy Communion including the 3 set lectionary readings, sermon and intercessions. I had been asked to read the Gospel and lead short intercessory prayers.
At the end I helped by returning one patient to EOU (one of the wards I visit on a weekly basis) and then my work was done.
I arrived back home at 12.30 after a very good morning at the hospital although the time commitment means I certainly won’t be able to do this very often.
Dave Rowlands