Easter in the Benefice

Services Sunday 10 April 09:15 am at Christ Church - Morning Prayer (with Zoom)11:00 am at St. John's, Oulton - All Age Service11:00 am at All Saints, Moddershall - Holy Communion Maundy Thursday, 14 April 7:30 pm at St. John's Oulton Good Friday, 15 April 10:00 am Easter Crafts for Children at Christ Church10:00 am...

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TODAY—Living fully every day  

We tend to focus on very special days, like birthdays, or major festival days. The ordinariness and routine of the other days tends to mean that we treat them too casually. The word “today” appears more than two hundred times in the New International Version of the Bible. Many simply add a historical moment to...

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Such Love  

My grateful thanks to everybody who has helped and supported Kath and me since my accident in September. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your cards, letters and phone calls of news and encouragement. Thank you for all Kath’s lifts to hospital, church and shopping trips etc. Thank you for your love. Thank...

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