PCC News

The PCC held meetings on 7th July and 8th September. During the meetings the following matters were discussed: · An inspection of the Church Centre’s exterior windows revealed that repairs are required to frameworks of some windows. After these repairs are completed all the windows will be repainted. · After much discussion regarding how to move forward...

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YOU give them something to eat!

Many people came to Jesus and his disciples seeking help. Today the Christian Church finds itself amongst a population where large numbers of people need assistance in variety of ways. A recent report about the mission of the church in society today, “Growing Good”, points out that the church’s capacity to address this growing need...

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Who is like God?

September 2021 Magazine If you’ve visited Mont-Saint-Michel, in France, you will have enjoyed seeing one of Europe’s most wonderful sights. The mount is steep and a long walk through the narrow streets is rewarded by being able to visit the Abbey at the top and the view out to sea. The Mount is in a...

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