The PCC held meetings on 7th July and 8th September. During the meetings the following matters were discussed:
· An inspection of the Church Centre’s exterior windows revealed that repairs are required to frameworks of some windows. After these repairs are completed all the windows will be repainted.
· After much discussion regarding how to move forward with church services, in a Covid-safe manner, it was agreed to continue to encourage the wearing of face masks and sanitising hands. The use of alternate pews will also remain. It was confirmed that Sunday School would restart on 12th September with sessions to be held outside, weather permitting, as much as possible.
· Groups wishing to use the church or centre will be required to submit a Covid Risk assessment and will have to follow the PCC’s agreed guidelines for maximum numbers. (These will be regularly reviewed dependent on up-to-date government and church guidance).
· The PCC thanked Mrs M Hillman organising all the work that was carried out on the church garden.
The next PCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th November at 7.30pm. Shelagh