Men’s Night – Pizza & Pasta – Thursday 27th February 2014

Thursday 27th February 2014 From 7.00 p.m. Two course meal £12.50/head: choose two from starter, main course (any pasta or pizza) or dessert. at Pasta di Piazza All drinks PAYG!! Guest after dinner speaker: Mr David Cranston (Consultant Urologist): ‘Have I got cancer doc?’   Booking essential - via Andy Stone -

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A Passion For Life – February 2014 Magazine

Are you a passionate person? The idea covers all sorts of things from romance to, dare I say it, supporting your favourite football team. Passions are stirred during February in preparation for St Valentine’s Day. It’s a day when the least expected can suddenly happen. Romantics declare their love to their sweethearts over a candlelit...

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Another year of what? – January 2014 Magazine

The advertiser proclaims: “New Year. New you!” The phrase is used to sell us cream to smooth out wrinkles, diets to help us get trim, exercise regimes that enable us to become fitter, or new techniques to help us perform better. The reality is more like: “New Year. Same you!” We may be pleased that...

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