Royal Foundlings – Back in Stone!!!

Following the success of the  last visit to Stone by The Royal Foundlings they are returning April 15-25th this time with a different mission. The Royal Foundlings will be working in our 3 church schools teaching the children some of their songs and recording an album together!  On the second week each school will have a chance for the youngsters...

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Stone Churches Together Good Friday Walk of Witness

A bright, if crisp, Good Friday morning saw over 150 people gather in St. Michael's Church, Stone, to pray and sing, led by Rev. Ian Cardinal, before forming a procession, silent, save for the slow beat of a drum, that snaked through the town. Whilst the grown-ups walked and sang, younger children were enjoying crafts organised at Christ Church. Pausing in...

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Have we got a fool for a leader? Magazine April 2013

Images used in language are powerful. It’s hard to follow a wordy explanation. How much easier if we use an image that is easy to grasp. After a conversation we may later say to ourselves: “Oh I wish I’d thought to say that.” It would have conveyed things so much better. Recently I got into...

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