A course helping you explore the world’s bestseller.
Sunday March 1st & Wednesday March 4th
Session 1: Introducing the Bible
Sunday March 8th & Wednesday March 11th
Session 2: Creation and Covenant
Sunday March 15th & Wednesday March 18th
Session 3: Exodus and Promised Land
Sunday March 22nd & Wednesday March 25th
Session 4: Judges and Kings
Sunday March 29th & Wednesday April 1st
Session 5: Exile and Prophets
The Bible is a big and complicated book to read and for many it can be difficult to know where to start. Maybe you’ve been part of a Bible study group and want to build your confidence so you can study the Bible on your own, or maybe you need help connecting together the bits you’ve been reading. The Bible Course is a great resource, whether you are familiar with the Bible or just starting out.
More details to follow, but here are some highlights of the course:
· The Bible Course helps you see how the books of the Bible are part of one big story. Using a unique storyline, The Bible Course will show you how key events, books and characters fit together.
· The video teaching, course guide and daily readings will help you grow in confidence as you read the Bible for yourself.
· It acts as a great follow-on resource for those who have done introductory courses like Alpha and Christianity Explored, but also enables those who are established Christians to develop their understanding for reading the Bible for all its worth.
Well put together, straightforward to lead, & very engaging. The Bible Course is a fantastic resource to the Church, which I wholeheartedly recommend to you!
Tom Rothwell, Senior Pastor, New Life Church, New Milton
The Bible Course is a brilliant and accessible way to understand the full Bible story. A brilliant way to kick-start your journey. Amy, Surrey
Course book—this is essential and costs £5 from Paul.
There are 8 sessions, beginning on
Wed 26th February 7:45 pm
Then Sundays at 6 pm or Wednesdays at 7:30 pm