Look at the birds, they neither sow nor reap, they have no storeroom or barns, yet God feeds them, Luke 12 v 24.
I often look at the birds coming to the bird feeder in our garden, they take it for granted that there will be food for them; and that is when I think of the above verse from Luke’s gospel.
How often do we worry about our circumstances instead of trusting our heavenly father to supply all our needs. We need to become more like the birds and completely trust our heavenly father who loves us so much.
When Michael was in hospital and I was so fearful, God provided for all my needs through so many of you; by your prayers, giving me lifts to the hospital. By my family coming and helping me through every kinds of need and difficulty. By my neighbours who were on hand when things went wrong in the house, like when the electrics failed!!!
Oh me of little faith; yet God was there all the time, encouraging me through his word. Though my flesh and my heart fail God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Kath Thompson