The P.C.C. held a meeting on 19th January 2022. During the meetings the following matters were discussed:
· We are looking into holding a James Cary (writer of A Monk’s Tale and The Turbulent Priest) event sometime this year.
· It was agreed that a small group would be set up to come up with ideas for celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The ideas will be discussed at the next meeting.
· Along with other local churches we are investigating the possibility of setting up a Street Pastor Scheme in Stone.
· It has been agreed to look into replacing the old projector in the centre with a screen which can link wirelessly to devices providing a better streaming system in the centre for events.
· Thanks was expressed to Helen Bowes for another successful Advent Windows event.
The next PCC meeting will be held on Monday 21st March at 7.30pm