On Thursday 25 th June, Karen Downard from Tearfund will be visiting us. After a Brings&Share supper (6:30 pm), she will tell us something of the work of Tearfund, and how we can be more involved. More about Tearfund below.
We aim to help the people in the world who are in the greatest need, regardless of race, religion, gender or nationality. If you support our work, that’s what your money will be going towards. We do this by: •identifying the places of greatest poverty •working through local churches, church-based and Christian partners to seek out and help the most marginalised and vulnerable groups in those places. We operate through local churches wherever we can, training and equipping them to end poverty and rebuild their communities. They’re on the ground and they stay there. They can identify the greatest need in a place. We also believe: •churches are the most powerful local and global network for God’s love to reach people in poverty •churches care for the whole person, inside and out. This makes lasting, sustainable change for an individual and a community possible. We try to stay invisible. Most of what we do is about communities taking themselves through a facilitated process to name their own needs, recognise their own strengths, and find their own solutions to poverty. We model this all over the world. It’s effective, long-lasting, far-reaching and transformative. Support us regularly and you can follow communities as they go through this process here or read more about it here. We respond to disasters. In the most vulnerable places we’re experts in helping people prepare for, withstand and recover from disasters.
Tearfund is a Christian organisation. We’re passionate about living out God’s kingdom values of love, hope and transformation. It’s what inspires and drives us. Integral mission is the church living out its faith in Jesus in every aspect of life. It’s recognising that people are more than their hunger or despair. Integral mission is answering God’s call to love one another, in every way you can.