From the Christ Church Parish Magazine of 1887.
Precisely at 1 o’clock, 522 of the aged, poor and widows gathered at the allotted centres for a good Dinner. At the same hour 1738 Sunday scholars were being equally well served in the different schools. So far as concerns our own parish everything went off satisfactorily. Thanks to the energetic help of Superintendents and Teachers the night before, everything was quite prepared for the refreshment of the 400 youngsters after their hot and dusty walk to the Poor Plot and back.
They found awaiting them, on their return, a good substantial meal of meat, potatoes, and bread, followed by plum pudding and fruit tarts with an abundant supply of milk. That they did full justice to the meal need not be told.
After dinner the children were dismissed to the sports at the Poor Plot, with the injunction to be back for tea at the Stonefield School at 5 o’clock. The teachers had a short rest and responded well to a further call upon their time and strength to prepare a sumptuous tea of cake, buns, and milk for the thirsty scholars who trooped to the Stonefield Schools from the Poor Plot at the time appointed. All seemed to enjoy themselves in picnic style on the grass. This concluded the day so far as the teachers were concerned, and a very hard day it was. Their willing help brought everything to a successful issue.
The bonfire. The lighting of the large bonfire, at 10 pm, on the hill at the top of the Poor Plot, was a signal for cheering and general hurrahing. In a few minutes the whole stack was enveloped in flame and burned brilliantly far into the night. There was also a grand pyrotechnic display of rockets, blue lights, etc which added greatly to the effect.
The Kingdom over which our beloved Queen reigns, is not only composed of mighty cities, thousands of obscure villages have their contingents of loyal hearts and true, and none is more loyal or more picturesque in appearance than Meaford.
This little village of historic memories can boast of having done its duty in honour of the Queen’s Jubilee. The day fixed for this celebration (June 28, Coronation Day) commenced with a perambulation of the village children with flags and banners to Meaford Hall and Darlaston Hall, where they sang their Anthem “Awake O Happy Nation“
At 2-15 pm the Special Service of Thanksgiving was held in the School room, with a short address by the Vicar, upon Psalm xxi, 3, “thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head”. The service was hearty and joyful throughout, and thoroughly in harmony with the day. After its conclusion an adjournment was made to an adjoining field, where a sumptuous dinner had been provided for all residing in Meaford and Darlaston. Under a large marquee were four long tables loaded with good things for the Jubilee Banquet.