Christian Aid works with local organisations around the world to help poor communities find solutions to the problems they face and give them the support they need to make these changes. Last year Christian Aid Week raised over £12.5m. This money is being used to support some of the poorest communities around the world to create their own solutions to poverty. Here are 3 examples. In Kenya, text message technology and up-to-date weather forecasts are improving the crop yields and nutrition of farmers. In Bolivia, previously threatened rights to land for more than 1,000 families have been secured, while in Zimbabwe, a new dam has transformed lives.
Please help by taking part in the door to door collection in our parish, look for the packs in the foyer or speak to Phil Tunstall 817028
Last year, a magnificent 20,000 churches across the country helped raise over £12m for Christian Aid Week. This Christian Aid Week (11–17 May 2014) we want to go even further. We want every church in Britain and Ireland to get involved – whether by giving, acting or praying.
Together we can send people living in fear this message: you are not alone. We’re with you, helping you to rebuild your lives, and working for peace.
Could you provide the gift of hope?
£15 could provide blankets for refugee children to protect them from bitter night-time temperatures.
£40 could provide enough good quality and nutritious food for two refugee children for a month.
£150 could help us provide specialist emotional support for a child deeply traumatised by the horror of war that they’ve witnessed or experienced.