A year of lockdowns

We have now reached the anniversary of the first lockdown, and as a benefice of  churches it has been a difficult year with so many things disrupted. We have had to persevere through many changes in the guidelines for action to minimise risk of spreading the virus. More recently, just before the Government announced the third...

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PCC news

The PCC held a Zoom meeting on 3rd February 2021 and the following matters were discussed: The work on the flowerbeds is now complete and they are looking good.The Advent Windows displays were fabulous with good viewings of the openings on Facebook.Due to the current circumstances it was agreed to waive the magazine charges for...

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School and Children’s Ministry Update

Well, although the schools are all closed to most pupils, our work in them still goes on! We do not go in physically, but we are there virtually and in spirit! Each week we still make Open the Book assemblies for both Oulton and Christ Church First School. These are made by all the team...

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