Wisdom from the Apostle in isolation

From the Church Magazine, May 2020 (click this link to see the full version) It was hard to foresee the lockdown. Although some spoke about it years before. For example, following the Ebola outbreak in 2014 it was suggested by Bill Gates (former head of Microsoft) that it was time to put all our good...

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Trekkers @ Christ Church Academy

With the potential for school closures hitting the headlines, let us celebrate what has been managed to teach children about Jesus in the schools these terms. We are a few weeks away from the Easter Holidays now, and so it’s been nearly two whole terms of the Trekkers clubs in both Oulton First School, and...

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Ash Wednesday

The reading for the Ash Wednesday Service on 26th February was John 13: 18-38 which has two sections headed... “Jesus Predicts His Betrayal” “Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial” Having considered the circumstances around Judas and Peter, their weaknesses and motivations, their actions and the outcomes, I ended by reading a poem hoping it might help in...

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