Have we got a fool for a leader? Magazine April 2013

Images used in language are powerful. It’s hard to follow a wordy explanation. How much easier if we use an image that is easy to grasp. After a conversation we may later say to ourselves: “Oh I wish I’d thought to say that.” It would have conveyed things so much better. Recently I got into...

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The Resurrection: high point, or hoax?

How can a new discovery change life so much? When the significance is huge and so changes everything. Stories can hit the headlines and have an immediate impact: a person in public office being found guilty of deception; a food scandal that leads to a change in food supply and labelling; the publication of photographs...

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Electoral Roll 2013

In the Church of England, the Electoral Roll is our membership list; the people we can count upon as committed members of Christ Church. Each church has an electoral roll officer. Your Electoral Roll Officer at Christ Church is Irene Gassor, who can be contacted on the office email address below. The Electoral Roll is also the...

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9-a-day: more nutritional advice? Magazine Leader – February 2013

I was idly listening to some expert nutritional advice on a website. ‘The five foods to avoid in order to lose weight’ was a catchy headline. But the video message was wrong about each item it highlighted: orange juice, margarine, wholemeal bread…’ We switched off in disgust before hearing any more. The reasons did not...

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