Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Christingle Service so successful.
We made 35 oranges into Christingles, children remembering what the symbols represent. There were a lot of adults and children enjoying the crafts, it was lovely to see so many old faces.
Then into church for the service, Peter gave a talk to us, we sang lots of songs and lit the candles whilst singing ‘Away in a Manger’, It was a lovely start to our Christmas celebrations.
The Christingle candle collection raised £148.23 thanks to Oulton First School, which together with Christ Church Christingle service collection raised a total of £207.23P, I have forwarded this to the Children’s Society for their work with vulnerable and disadvantaged children in the UK.
The Christingle service this year felt almost back to normal after the pandemic – Wonderful !!
Thank you all.
Sandra Morray