Maundy Thursday:
Coffee and Cake at 7pm at Oulton, followed by Holy Communion at 7.30pm
Good Friday:
Children’s Easter Crafts 10am at Christ Church Centre, allowing parents to join in with: –
Churches Together in Stone Worship, Walk and Witness – starting at St Michael’s at 10am followed by joint, all age service at 10:45am at Christ Church, Stone, followed by Tea, Coffee and (of course) Hot Cross Buns!
Music and meditation (the Passion according to John) 7.30pm at Christ Church, Stone.
Easter Sunday:
9:15 am, Holy Communion at Christ Church
11:00am, Holy Communion, Oulton
11:00am, Holy Communion, Modderhall
Tuesday 22nd April:
Children’s Holiday Club – Space Academy