What a year 2019 has been with its eleventh hour General Election. Debates over who to vote for generated a lot more heat than light. Many decisions in life had been put on hold or even thrown into turmoil by the storms of politics.
Storms at sea are dangerous. The huge waves crash against all vessels that dare to sail and then pound the coastline. As the wind blows it whips up the sea and forces boats to take evasive action so as to not to be driven off course. Tides surge with extra energy. Destruction is likely and even death can be near. When a storm hits the coast, it feels like the sea is threatening to engulf the land. But, reassuringly, it never does for one good reason: “Our Lord assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress His command” (Prov. 8:29).
As our society sees frequent and rapid changes it may feel overwhelming. Many argue that the church must move with the times, for fear of being left behind or being washed out to sea like a battered boat. If the culture that washes over us is king, then we are to humbly bow the knee and serve its purposes.
The Christian Church doesn’t float around on the sea of cultural ideas like a buoy, but stands like a lighthouse. Buoys drift with the waves, rising and falling with the tide. The church, however, is set firmly on the shore, built on the strong foundation of God’s unchanging word. There is no drifting, only standing on the truth and shining out to the watching world. It provides revelation, since its light tells us how things really are as the storms rage. It gives inspiration even when we may despair, since the Almighty God oversees our lives. It leads to a dedication in pursuing His good and perfect will, knowing that His eternal kingdom is eternal and what is done to extend it is of lasting value.
May I invite readers of this article to join us in our regular weekly worship? Join us to commit to being guided by the light of Jesus Christ who alone can guide us safe to shore so that we can go home.
Paul Kingman