Hospital Notes 31

Being involved at UHNM is always interesting, challenging, surprising and rewarding.

I have recently learned that the Trust’s Induction for new staff from abroad now includes an introduction to the work of the SPaRC team with a tour of the Chaplaincy at RSUH. This, I believe, is a great step forward.

A few of my recent experiences are summarised below…

· One day I was asked to take the concertina to play in the ‘Home from Home’ room at County Hospital. Amazingly the patient who came along that day used to play the piano accordion and, despite my inadequate playing, thoroughly enjoyed the time spent there. It was a very welcome distraction from current difficulties and REWARDING for me.

· A patient said to me, quote… “I’ve had a wonderful time” They had spent quite some time telling me about lots of memories from their life which I found most INTERESTING; something they’d been unable to do with anyone for a long time. How beneficial a listening ear can be!

· I visited someone who’d firmly stated that they were an atheist when I arrived. At the end I said… “Before I go I’ll ask you the question I ask everyone but I think I know the answer already – would you like me to pray with you?” The answer… “Oh, yes please and come and see me next week” That was a SURPRISE.

· One patient who was quiet and hard to get chatting suddenly asked quite out of the blue… “What do you believe?” When I’d outlined the basis of my faith, I asked… “And what about you?” The reply was… “That’s what I believe too” A lovely outcome but a bit of a CHALLENGE as well.

                                                     Dave Rowlands