The Christingle celebration went ahead last year 2021 albeit with fewer children. However the children made their Christingles and we talked about the meaning of them, it was lovely to see many of our past mums and toddlers. The toddlers of course being much bigger now than when they last attended the Monday morning group (Covid has a lot to answer for!).
The service in the church followed – but a faulty candle, which kept failing to relight, hampered Paul’s talk to us!
We sang songs and prayed for the work of the Children’s Society
Many thanks go to Oulton First School for their fantastic ‘Candle Collection’ contribution; they raised a total of £323.00 that has been sent to the Children’s Society for their valuable work with vulnerable children in the UK. Thanks also to Morrison’s Supermarket who generously donated the oranges for the Christingles.
Sandra Morray