Holiday Club has been an exciting week jam packed with lots of fun activities.
Our theme this year was Junior Heroes, and the children were split into different categories of Heroes – we had: Fearless Flyers, Courageous Climbers, Eager Explorers, Super Swimmers, Powerful Pioneers, and Amazing Astronauts. And they all made fabulous decorations and crafts in their corners!
Each day was filled with great songs, puppets, fun games, creative crafts, fantastic Bible stories, and amusing dramas.
A particular highlight for me was the Watt family drama where I played the silly-billy Rick Watt. Rick managed to persuade the dreaded Baron Toothache to give up his plans of turning everyone into sweets, and instead to just be friends with people!
But we also learnt about children who did great things in the Bible – whether it was David defeating Goliath, or the boy who gave up his lunch so that Jesus could feed the 5000. Each day we heard about one of these heroes, and linked them to a different piece in the armour of God. And so over the course of the week, the children learnt how we could all be Junior Heroes for God too!
It was a very busy week – but very worthwhile! Great to hear a whole cohort of children singing about the Super Saviour – Jesus!
Peter Cuthbert
We had a great week with around 20 adults entertaining a similar number of children from reception up to year 6.
The children were divided into teams: Amazing Astronauts, Super Swimmers, Courageous Climbers, Eager Explorers, Fantastic Flyers and Powerful Pioneers.
We used the super hero theme to illustrate the Bible stories the children learnt about each day, doing related activities in our appropriately decorated group corners.
It began with young Samuel listening and receiving God’s message for Eli followed by the young boy who selflessly gave his five loaves and two fishes to Jesus to feed the 5000. We then learnt about the young shepherd boy David who courageously defeated Goliath with a sling and five stones. The next story was Naaman’s wife’s little servant girl who bravely suggested Naaman visited the prophet Elisha to be healed of his leprosy. Finally, on the Sunday morning, we learnt about the young King Josiah who turned his people back to God.
As usual we sang songs, learnt memory verses, did wonderful crafts and played fun games and quizzes. There was also the Bert and Lucy puppet sketches, the bible drama and of course the much enjoyed Watt family drama.
Sunday meant everyone coming to church for breakfast before the final instalments of the dramas and talks.
We all had a very enjoyable week and grateful thanks go to anyone who helped in any way. Special thanks go to Sue Kingman and Chris and Elizabeth Nix who work so hard before and during the event.
Hopefully it will all be repeated again next year, with a new theme.