Results, worth and the love of God  

September Magazine During the last weeks the direction of many lives have changed. Our minds may reflect on the sporting achievements of the Commonwealth Games, the European athletics, or some other sporting events in the calendar – for there have been so many during the summer! But for many the outcome of exams has been...

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Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen

As an initial pastoral response, we are opening Christ Church, Stone at the following times for you to visit, pray and reflect. There will be stewards on hand to pray with those who would appreciate support at this time: Friday 9th September:The church building will be open for you to come for prayer and quiet...

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Taking the Long View

Looking back can trap us in nostalgia. Lionel Bart’s, musical comedy “Fing’s ain’t what they used to be” humorously summed up the attitude in the nineteen sixties. In stark contrast  we share in the sadness of the exiled writer of Psalm 137 “By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion”....

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