The political, social and cultural upheaval of our times can leave us feeling bewildered and wondering where to turn for trustworthy guidance. As unlikely as it may seem, could the Bible provide ancient wisdom that helps us flourish today?
Join us on a fascinating series with Andrew Ollerton as he explores the storyline of Scripture, connecting six major biblical events with six definitive human needs: for meaning, freedom, peace, community, love and for an ultimate home. In these sessions we see how the Bible story makes sense of our human story.
Discover for yourself a limitless source of guidance and hope in the face of so much uncertainty.
Underpinned by a depth of scholarship, but non-technical in style, it makes it accessible for the widest possible readership – including Christians and seekers interested in the Bible and to identify the relevance of the Bible in our cultural moment.
When we make sense of the Bible, the Bible makes sense of us.
The United Benefice course runs on Sundays at 5pm (from 27th Feb) and each session is repeated on Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. (from 2nd March) in Christ Church Centre, Stone.
What reviewers of the book behind the course have said:
‘For the believer, sceptic or just-plain-confused, this is an essential guide to how the Bible speaks to modern life’ [Justin Brierley, author of Unbelievable?]
What reviewers of the book behind the course have said:
‘Honest, revealing insight into the bestselling book of all time.’ [Bear Grylls, Chief Scout]
‘A stimulating and accessible survey of history’s most influential book.’ [Tom Holland, historian and author of Dominion]
‘Personal and profound; informative and practical. If you want to experience the Bible as a rich source of guidance and hope, this book is for you.’ [Simon Thomas, former Sky Sports and Blue Peter presenter]
The Bible Series course has seven sessions:
Sun 5pm by Zoom / Weds 7.30 pm live at Christ Church Centre
Sunday 27th Feb / Wednesday 2nd Mar #1 “Introducing the Bible”
Sunday 6th Mar / Wednesday 9th Mar #2 “Origins and meaning”
Sunday 13th Mar / Wednesday 16th Mar #3 “Exodus and freedom”
Sunday 20th Mar / Wednesday 23rd Mar #4 “Exile and peace”
Sunday 27th Mar / Wednesday 30th Mar #5 “Messiah and love”
Sunday 3rd April / Wednesday 6th Apr #6 “Spirit and community”
Sunday 10th April / Wednesday 13th Apr #7 “Hope and home”
The flyers in church will give you an opportunity to tell Paul which session you will go to, or you can email him.