I don’t know what you usually do on 31st October, but at Christ Church we like to celebrate all the good things God has done for us by having a Light Party. Would you like to come? We’ll have lots of fun things to do, and something to eat too. There will even be a Bouncy Castle! If you’re at school and aged between 4 and 11, come along, and bring a friend if you want to. It’s free! But to help us with numbers, please fill in the form below and send it back to guarantee your place.
Light Party Invitation 2014
Send it to:
Sue Kingman
Christ Church Vicarage
Bromfield Court, Stone
ST15 8ED
Or e-mail it to suekingman@hotmail.co.uk
Any queries ring me on 01785 812669 or 07809 329637
or the Parish Office on 01785 811990
See you there