Children’s Society Boxes
Thank you to all who gave so generously to the Society through the box collection. £297 -70p has been sent to the Society towards their valuable work with runaway children in the UK.
Every year incredible House Box Holders like you raise over £1.4 million to help vulnerable children in this country.
Thanks to your contribution we were able to support more than 11,000 young people who felt scared and alone last year and campaign to bring changes that help hundreds more.
If you would like a house box please let me know.
Sandra Morray
Other Donations
The Toddler Group has given £130 towards the work of Mircea Pestean in Romania, funding food parcels to gypsy families who can’t find work in Winter.
The “Everybody Welcome” coffee mornings last year raised £200 accidentally, from people who insisted on leaving some money even though coffee and cake were provided free of charge! This money has been given to Jonathan and Robinah Beesigomwe in Botswana, towards their work with young families.
Jonathan wrote
“Praying you are all well. The money from the Church arrived as $288 from PCC. Please give our grateful thanks for this love gift. Be blessed”