Just about the time the Lent course started I decided I was going to try out some new Bible study notes. I had tried Daily Bread years ago and found they were not quite right for me at the time. Having had them recommended by several people, more recently, I decided to give them a try. At the time the only ones I found were January to March so I bought them and decided the dates didn’t really matter and I would start them at Easter.
Then came the lockdown and the Lent course stopped so I decided to start the Daily Bread notes. The studies began with Jonah followed by the beginning of Genesis then the early chapters of Mark and currently Joshua. Every day has been so relevant to the current situation in one way or another. Sometimes just a verse or the final thought but often the whole study speaks of the situation in which we find ourselves. The Sunday reading is always a Psalm. I haven’t even been reading them on the correct day of the week never mind the correct month and I occasionally miss a day so the Psalm usually comes mid week but always at a time when I need a bit more encouragement.
I will be buying these study notes again and eventually I might get to do the right study on the right day!!
Estella Woodhead