The Queen’s Jubilee (1887)

From the Christ Church Parish Magazine of 1887. Precisely at 1 o'clock, 522 of the aged, poor and widows gathered at the allotted centres for a good Dinner. At the same hour 1738 Sunday scholars were being equally well served in the different schools. So far as concerns our own parish everything went off satisfactorily....

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Prayer Time

Jesus expects us to spend time alone in personal prayer, He said, “when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father”....(Matthew 6:6a). Personal prayer is not an easy option.  All of us at some time or another will have had difficulties with it. With the best of intentions our...

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Water into Wine

7.30 p.m. Friday 24th June 2022 (with interval) at Christ Church, Stone [Tickets £10]. Water into Wine is a brand new live one-man stand-up theology show about Jesus’s top three miracles. In an unscientific straw poll of people who don’t go to church on social media, James Cary discovered three miracles are a lot more famous than...

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