True Love…. Magazine leader, February 2015

A bouquet of flowers, a perfectly wrapped box of luxury chocolates, decorative red hearts and a romantic meal. Isn’t that what Valentine's day is all about, right? Well, maybe not. So far as the history goes there is little that is certain. The day probably replaced a Roman fertility festival in the 5th century. Behind...

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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Sunday 18th to Saturday 24th January 2015

The following events are being organised by Churches Together in Stone   Sunday 18th 6:00 pm United Service St John's (Walton Priory Middle School) Monday 19th 9:00 am Prayer meeting Christ Church (about schools) Tuesday 20th 10:30 am Communion Christ Church (coffee at 10:00 am) Wednesday 21st 12:00 noon Service St Saviour’s Church, Aston (followed by simple lunch) 7:30...

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Every aspect of life is to be under the Lordship of Jesus (January Magazine)

Followers of Jesus become mature disciples as faith is applied to everyday life. This is unlike a New Year resolution that a person may try for a while, fall behind and then give up. Discipleship is about a growing relationship of trusting and obeying Jesus. It’s a revolution, rather than a resolution! This relationship with...

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