Canadian Church Service

In line with the continuing theme of ‘church services we attended whilst on holiday’, Helen and I recently attended a Sunday Morning Prayer Service at the McDougall United Church, Edmonton, Alberta. This was part of our regular two yearly trek to Canada to visit our daughter Vicky on Vancouver Island. Whilst visiting, we always try...

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Advent Windows 2019

We are immensely looking forward to Advent Windows 2019! This year is the 10th Anniversary of Advent Windows in Stone, so a special occasion. Our theme this year is ‘Follow the Star’  - this came about as it is the Tenth Anniversary, which is usually celebrated by ‘tin’ – it was not a giant leap...

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Christ Church Academy Harvest Service

Pupils, parents and staff from Christ Church Academy gathered at Christ Church Stone for their annual Harvest Service this month. Beginning with a welcome from the Head Boy and Head Girl, the pupils enjoyed a fun-filled service which included performances from the choir and several short dramas from Pursuit; the school’s Christian youth group. They...

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PCC News

The P.C.C. met on 25th September 2019 and the following matters were reported: · Peter Cuthbert has settled in well as the new Children and Families Worker. · The Carol Service on Sunday 22nd December at 5.00pm · It was agreed that we would be involved in the Operation Christmas Child shoebox filling and collection for forwarding to...

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Who is in control?

Our Government has been wrestling with the issue of sovereignty. The European question has been a divisive issue and one that will be debated endlessly in the quest for sovereignty. Meanwhile, as the environment shows its muscles concern has spilt over into protesters criticising the media: “BBC, your silence is deadly”. Is the media in...

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