Wake up and smell the Coffee!

After much moaning about the taste of previous instant coffee offerings at Christ Church, we have entered into and arrangement with Christian Company, Indigo Valley, to provide a catering filter coffee machine and new brands of Fairtrade filter coffee which will be offered after morning services and other events at Church. Andy Stone Reports on the coffee-tasting...

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Christmas Services – December 2011

The United Benefice of Christ Church, Stone & Oulton with Moddershall We invite all to join in our Christmas services as we celebrate the wonder of the birth of Jesus Christ who is called Immanuel – which means God with us. We have a range of services and hope that you will feel welcome to...

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Christ Church Magazine, October, 2011

To Autumn Autumn it brings dazzling morning sunshine, a brilliant array of colours, burgeoning fruit trees and the first flurry of falling leaves. What do you associate with the autumn? Perhaps you are familiar with the memorable line of a poem on the subject which starts: “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!”. So began the...

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